The buzz

Can you identify these 15 birds? Take the test to find out

(Photo courtesy of Sally Carey)

Birding can be rewarding, but whether you're a novice or have years of experience out in the field, it can be tricky to get those identifications right.

We often see this firsthand, with members of the public seeking us for an identification or opting to open it up for discussion on the District's Will County Wildlife Facebook group.

For any birder, there are key features that can offer some clues, such as size, shape, plumage and the structure of a bird's bill. But distance, poor lighting and a number of other variables out in nature can make it difficult or nearly impossible to come to a clear conclusion.

For our quiz, we've eliminated those variables, so go ahead and put yourself to the test to see how well you know all of these feathered friends. 

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